Saffron is one of the most expensive spices in the world, and its export or sale in the world markets is one of the most profitable businesses, especially for Iranians. Iran is considered the first and the best exporter of saffron in the world.
According to the statistics published by ITC, saffron had a total amount of 287 million dollars in the global export market in 2021, of which Iran’s share was 154 million dollars (about 55% of the global export market). This statistic shows that due to economic sanctions and export weaknesses, Iran is still known as the best exporter of saffron in the world. According to ITC information, saffron exports have decreased by 19% in the last 5 years, which indicates the lack of proper management and support in the field of exports.

According to the Supreme Leader’s recent orders to prevent the sale of raw saffron, a lot of emphases has been placed on efforts towards processing and increasing Iran’s share in the world market. According to the mentioned cases, since there is a very good export potential for the export of saffron in Iran, it is necessary for the activists of this field to increase the productivity of saffron production and develop the export of this product with proper targeting and planning.
If we examine the export statistics of the world’s saffron exports for the past 5 years, we will find that since 2019, saffron exports have faced a sharp decline, one of the main reasons for which was the Corona pandemic. Now, with the improvement of the situation of the Corona pandemic in the world, there is a good opportunity for saffron producers to increase their exports by planning and optimally using production capacities and material and human resources.
According to ITC data, the world’s largest saffron exporters in 2021 are Iran, Spain, Afghanistan, Greece, Oman and China.
The largest importers of saffron in the world in 2021 are UAE, China, Spain, Saudi Arabia, India, and America.

The noteworthy point about saffron importers is that China and Spain are also in the second and third ranks of saffron imports, and yet they are also among the prominent exporters in the world in terms of exports (especially Spain). As a result, it can be inferred from these statistics that countries that are not considered to be large producers of saffron have been able to export with correct targeting, proper planning, and basic export measures such as correct identification of the target market and communicating with it, proper packaging, extensive advertising between International and… they export a product that is not originally for themselves in the highest amount to other countries.
Now the question arises as to why Iran, as the largest producer of saffron in the world, has not been able to appear as powerful as it should be in terms of exports.
In order to achieve more success in saffron export, the supply of products should be changed from the form of raw sales in Iran, and with the creation of appropriate infrastructure, it should be converted into retail sales.